Hermana Courtney Rippstein

Monday, August 30, 2010

Nicaragua 2

Well I am not so sure what to write today - just another week of a
beautiful work. I´ve got my struggles - plenty to work on - but I´ve
already seen how the Lord has helped me to become stronger. This is a
lesson of patience mostly right now haha. So one question I got.. what
do we eat? Pretty much carbs and some sort of fruit juice. It´s funny,
you´ll have a meal of beans, rice, bread, and they will also give you
tortillas. Bread is my favorite thing here though - super delicious.
They have these things called Picos that they don´t even have in other
Central American countries and they are to die for. My goal is to
learn how to make them so I am not depressed when I return to the
states where they are not. What else have I noticed here.. well first
off, whole families will ride one motorcycle at a time - I just saw
one pass by with a dad driving, a kid on his lap, his wife behind him,
holding a toddler. Also, few people can say my name. ¨Hermana.....
Como??¨ as in, what? How do you say that? hahah. So far I have many
apellidos (last names): Rickstine, Ristin, Ramstein, Rizstein, Rizzin,
Erippestein and more.

We have another baptism this weekend, her name is Anali and she is
older and a very nice, classy lady. She really just is at peace and it
is great to see the gospel bloom within her life. Next weekend (or the
one after? I´m unsure.. everyone speaks in spanish here hahah) we will
be doing baptisms in the ocean. It is a first for Leon and it will be
verrry cool to see. We have a couple that may be getting baptised
then, but we will first be having a wedding for them. Pretty awesome.

The members are good here, you can really tell a difference in their
lives versus other folks. They are just at peace and happy and really
have a strong hope and happiness about the future. The spirit really
does make a difference in the lives of people, as well as within our
lessons and success as missionaries. If the spirit is not there, you
cannot do anything. You come to learn real quick that not much else
matters if you haven´t prepared an atmosphere in which the Lord can
teach. That is the real quest. When you do that, and when you are
obedient to His commandments, the Lord shows you the way and can help in many ways that you may not think possible. I love it! Welll, talk
to you later!

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