Hermana Courtney Rippstein

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Wild, Weird Week

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 6:47 PM

This has been the weirdest week of my entire mission life. I’ve had 3 comps in one week (not including the 2 I had for only 1 day each), returned to my second zone again, I’ve haven’t worked in practically 2 weeks, the last 3 days have been spent more or less in busses, an area 70 came (Falabella) which I sang an incredibly high solo for and until now.. Wednesday.. I haven’t been able to get to internet.

At changes I was told that I would only have my comp for 4 days, and that I was to introduce her to the area and the people and get her prepped there before I was going to be changed. Weird, random, never happens. But they didn’t want to take both sisters out of 2 areas so they did that since everyone was to be changed. So yea. I am now in Managua, Bello Horizonte zone again, but in a different area this time. I am neighbors to my old area, which kind of stinks cuz I know I’ve got all my family and converts just 5 minutes away and cannot visit but you know, whatever. I will wait till P-day. Or till they need help with Retention and we do divisions.

My comp right before she ended her mission. She is happy and has already met up with my other old comp who ended the mission, Hna Avila, over there in Guatemala.

My comp for 4 days, Hna Winter. She looks white and stuff but she´s from Guatemala. Hahahaha. Poor kid. Everyone thinks she´s gringa.

Just in case you didn’t see my awesome boots. I’m now InViNcIbLe!!!

Last night of fellowshipping with my branch in Esteli. Love these guys. Lots of great spirits there.

Raul and Yader - the two priesthoods I was able to teach and baptize there!

. Demon Chicken on the mirror

We ate it!!! Mmmmmm...............

The choir with President Falabella

One favorite thing about Nicaragua is the sky. It’s pretty.

The choir solo and other songs turned out very well. We received beautiful compliments. We were able to attend both days of the conference, which was really great because it turns out that even though it was planned to be the same topics in each conference, there were very different things taught in each, and only the traveling choir got to participate in the fulness of the spiritual feast. I learned in our conference with Falabella that I need to study Spanish more - hahaha he cut the North Americans pretty bad about stopping to study after we can get by. I learned how to apply more effectively the personal talents that God gave to each and every one of us to the mission work. I have been able to do that in my mission through my major of organizational communications, event planning, floral arranging, hair styling, graphic design and especially through music. It’s fun. I learned also more about our important role and power as missionaries and the special role that we fulfill and the privileges that come with it. Learned new techniques to help retain people and to help them to progress. Received personal revelation on some things I could do better. And the importance of things we develop in our missions, and more about the life to come after the mission. Sorry about how vague that all is. I learned a whole lot of other stuff too but.. there isn’t time or mediums sufficient to be able to communicate them well here.

Conversion - what is it? How long does it last? It is a change of heart, and I’m pretty sure it lasts the entire eternal life of a person, but a good indication of a conversion is the presence of the spirit. If a person is moved to put into practice and live the gospel of Christ and to change constantly for Him and continually progress, even though it is hard, that person is a convert.

The Lord lets us take our own steps - He just guides us and corrects us, if we let Him. Remember that when you go your own way, and not according to what He desires, your options become very limited.

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