Hermana Courtney Rippstein

Monday, November 29, 2010

Don't Be Sorry, Just Improve

Mon, November 29, 2010 5:58:12 PM
"May we be strengthened with the understanding that being blessed does not mean that we shall always be spared all the disappointments and difficulties of life." Heber J. Grant

I would send photos from this week but I think the Cyber just erased all my photos from my mission. Yeaaaa I feel great. Well. At least it will always live on in my memory. And the few photos that have made it home.

This week was Thanksgiving. It was good to hear how everything went back home! But honestly I didn't think at all about what I was missing. Until elders mentioned Black Friday and then I was really really really happy that I was far away from the states and that madness hahah. As for us, we celebrated and gave thanks and I realized what a crazy person I was being, being stressed out n such. I'm just going to let it all go. My motto of this week is ¨Don't be sorry, just improve.¨ So on Wednesdays we have an activity where members and investigators come and it is like a spiritual thought night sort of thing.. hymns, a thought, testimony, a message and an activity of some sort. This week we wanted to make special so we arranged with the bishop to get some food in there too so we had delicious empanadas ticos de pollo and tang and it was awesome.

The whole night was focused on remembering the importance of the words of prophets because they are the words of the Lord for us and since his words were on Gratitude this last conference, it was just fitting. We shared and discussed and it was great and in the end we went around the room saying what we were thankful for. It was amazing. We also had an FHE with a more or less inactive family and lots of things were remembered for them (most were in church on Sunday!) and we did the same thing. And it was a humbling, happy experience. My focus is to remember the words of the prophet and be happy and always focus on what is going awesome. Because if you cant find any reason to celebrate or smile, you are doing something wrong.

Also I had kind of a cool experience in study this week. I know it means a mountain to me and probably not much to ya'll, but the scriptures spoke to me! Or rather, I got the answer to prayer and questions this week. I haven't really read the D&C in the field here because my focus has been in the Book of Mormon and the Bible, but for some reason I ended up randomly at D&C 6. And the whole thing shattered my world. I knew that those words were meant for me in that moment. And I went through all the particular scriptures in the chapter and wrote down why they were rockin my world at that moment. It was an amazing experience and like most spiritual experiences I didn't want it to end. I know that ya'll don't know what I was praying about or really whats been on my mind or my history or my conversion or the people that we are meeting with these days, and maybe you can't tell by reading the chapter but to me it was very, very exact. I got very exact counsel on very exact problems. I only want to share the scripture that hit me the hardest of all of them and just in a very general way, in verse 14:

¨Verily, verily, I say unto thee, blessed art thou for what thou hast done; For thou hast inquired of me, and behold, as often as thou hast inquired thou hast received instruction of my Spirit. If it had not been so, thou wouldst not have come to the place where thou art at this time.¨

If I hadn't I would not be in Nicaragua. I would not be with the gospel. I would not be in this almost constant state of clarity or happiness that I have.

A few of the maaaaaaaaaaaaany things I am thankful for:
- For the times when things DO work
- Water
- Active members who are very involved and seek first the kingdom of God
- León, and my area in it
- My comps
- Memories
- Health
- Gallo Pinto
- Time
- Spiritual experiences every day
- Opportunity
- Showers and cleanliness
- My family
- Disney
- Challenges
- Picos (it is a type of bread)
- Support
- Goals and plans
- Practice for family life and challenges later on
- Letters
- The patience of others
-Spiritual gifts
- Strong members, recent converts, and investigators
- To be here and serve
- Music
- Clarity & Happiness
- Sleep
- Prophets
-The Spirit that is always with us to guide us
-The Gospel
- A plan for us, individually and as a whole
-The Lord

Life is good. I am good. Although the mission has had its ups and downs and this change hasn't been particularly successful as far as numbers (I have never been in this for numbers) and results go and it has been rather challenging, I have overall enjoyed all of my mission. All of the hard times even. Everything has been great. I love it. I just.. love it.

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