Hermana Courtney Rippstein

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween and other news

Mon, November 1, 2010 7:09:51 PM

Happppppy Halloween!! They do not really celebrate it here. I heard that in other areas it is actually a day of black magic and voodoo but I am in a city so we don’t have much of that. Apparently in all of Central America Halloween is not a good day, according to my companion. This was one the lamest Halloweens I have ever experienced (Luckily the two days I will miss Halloween are on the worst days of the week to have it so that makes me happy). My district leader made sure to call me and wish me happy Halloween because he knew that this day was a very important one to me, which was very nice of him. We have one of the best district leaders ever. He is very thoughtful and always willing to help in whatever way possible. He falls well with me.

This week was busy and full but I do not remember most of it.. it is kind of all a blur. I can’t believe we are already at changes again. Life is good and I like being busy. We had a special presentation about the temple and stuff for all the recent converts of Leon and it turned out pretty well I think. Couples and families that had been sealed in the temple testified together about their experiences, the missionaries all sang “I Love To See The Temple and it was just a good experience. Except for the fact that I got super trunkey for temples hahaha. Trunkey for those of you that don’t know is what they call missionaries who miss something about their homes.

This week we had another beach baptism, which went very well. President Arredondo, his family, and the APs all came and it was a great experience. I have added photos from the trip, some with members, some with the president and his family, some with missionaries and especially some of our converts, Johan and Tino. This time we only had 2 (the other 2 investigators fell through), but I think I prefer it that way almost because I can give them the attention they deserve on their special day, rather than running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to make sure that people are feeling good. The beach was more gorgeous this time, if that is possible, and we were able to stay till sundown which was awesome. My comp and I got to ride with the president in a VAN with soft chairs and AIR CONDITIONING and it was really a treat haha.

Johan and Tino felt so good and it was such a happy experience for the two of them. Ha when Tino (the older one) put on his baptismal clothes he was parading around and dancing a bit (he is kind of strange and kooky but that’s why we love him) and he was all like, ´Soy beautiful, no?´ Hahaha we almost died laughing. What a hoot! Johan is the same age as me, his birthday is actually only 7 days before mine, but he is still so stoked about preparing for a mission! He wants everyone to feel the same way that he does and, well, isn’t that the most that a missionary can hope for one of their converts? His whole life has been changed completely around because of the help of God. They are so happy.. and I am so happy because of it. And many of our converts are still buzzing with excitement and total happiness and fullness of spirit which is something great to see.

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