Hermana Courtney Rippstein

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Another Wedding, and the Baptisms Continue...

Mon, October 25, 2010 4:43:28 PM

Just a few snapshots from the "lighter side" of Courtney's life:

Ever the party girl, Hna. Rippstein helps celebrate
Hna. Platero's birthday a week or so ago!

Fruit is becoming a favorite food--and this papaya
is huuuuuge, she says!

Anyone who knows Courtney knows that she loves Disney
almost as much as she loves her real family! So, she has been
pleasantly surprised that Disney seems to be a fave in
Nicaragua, too--and is, as she says, "everywhere."

The companions--Hnas. Rippstein and Platero

Now the weekly update, in her words:

Well, we had another wedding and two baptisms this weekend which was pretty dang swell. This family just makes me so happy. The spirit and happiness that emanates from their home is intoxicating. I love it. As missionary as it sounds, the spirit is always so strong with them. 3 have been baptized, then these two, and we are working with 3 more from the family as well. This week we also met Johan, a young adult hand-prepared by God for this message. This is what he has been waiting for, searching for. We answer the questions he brings to our lessons without even knowing it beforehand. This is an answer to prayers. I love our discussions with him.. he is full of questions and a thirst to learn. He has a very powerful story, too personal to share here, but I can tell you that the Lord saved him and encircled him about in His arms and brought him here in this moment, right now for a reason. And I can’t express how blessed I feel to be able to be a part of this experience and work. The spirit of God is an amazing thing, and I hope ya’ll don’t forget it! (me too!)

Also, this week a family of investigators asked me to pray in English. I was like.. YES! In my mind and was excited for the opportunity, but when it came time I just.. couldn’t pray in English! Ha. I couldn’t think of words or where to go and I still used a few Spanish words on accident-- hahaha. If this is how I am right now I shudder to think how lost I will be in 14 months.. It was just ridiculous. Also today we are in normal clothes out in public (usually we just stay at the church or something) and it feels really weird. I feel different. I think I may have a little bit of a rough restart when I come home hahaha.

OK my thought of the day.. these things have kind of come up in the last week with situations here amongst the people. Here goes.. okay, so I figure the Lord has something for us to learn, and when we choose to ignore his promptings and the things we know we should do, sometimes He has to resort to teaching us by experience because we denied what would have been real wisdom. Whatever our reasons were, they don’t seem to matter when we come to that devastating moment of regret for not acting when we should have. It’s like Elder Holland said, Whatever we were thinking, we weren’t thinking of Christ. Every Sunday we pledge to take upon ourselves His name and promise to always remember Him. Could you imagine Christ doing all the same things you do every day? What do you think He´d do different? All of us, no matter where we are or who we are or what we are doing, need to work a little harder at remembering Him. Let’s together work a little harder at being a little better. Someday we will have to account to Jesus Christ what we have done with His name. I hope that day I will not feel pain because of the way I lived my life and the things I did.

Freedom of choice brings responsibilities for our choices. Our choices ALWAYS affect something else. And we never know how soon it will be too late. If you´ve made a mistake, seek to fix it! If it is a big mistake or seems outside your ability to control, go to one of the many fine bishops of the church. I promise they can help and that God wants to be able to help you. The next step is yours. Trust your bishops. They can help you. Go to them; don’t let pride (in any form) keep you away. I am not saying this because I am a missionary or a goody two shoes Mormon or because I want you to get caught or win some battle or to take sides with parents. I am saying this because in the past I lived how I wanted to, I did things I am not proud of, and I suffered the consequences of my choices. And it was hard, but eventually I did go to a bishop for help, and he helped me. I am also saying this because it is true. The counsel with bishops (in whatever thing) has helped countless people who believed they were stuck or lost causes, who didn´t know of any attainable solution. It has also helped to avoid even greater pain that would have followed if actions had persisted. That is why bishops are here. I know they are called of God to be there to help and serve each of you. And you can trust in that.

Don´t become a lost cause. Don’t let anything stand in your way and put off true happiness for any amount of time. As part of the plan the Lord has for us, we´ll experience trials and sorrows and we will make mistakes. But we can also repent and be forgiven, which is a gift from the Lord. He suffered so we would not have to. The pain we feel is unnecessary and with His help we can move past it. Don’t let your mistakes define who you are. Don’t let them defile the name you have taken upon you. It is only too late if you think it is. Never allow your agency to be compromised in any manner. We cannot function the way the Lord needs us if we are not worthy or obedient to His commandments. The ONLY reason we have commandments is because He loves us and truly wants our happiness. You do have the option of breaking them if you want. You can. It is your choice. But I promise there is not much down that road, only artificial, temporary happiness. The world often thinks our beliefs are outdated, unpopular and even impossible. The world cannot see past its own nose. It cannot see the ultimate blessings. Only by letting go of the world can we truly possess what is real. Sure it can be a daunting task. Faith must be sought after and developed; it is not free, given without thought, action or choice. But TRUST in the Lord! Seek it! Like our other choices in life, we are responsible for finding and building faith, and we are also responsible for not having it. Life won’t turn out exactly the way we expect. Life is the way it is. It is how you handle it that makes the difference. With faith we can overcome whatever obstacles are put in our way, honestly! Choose faith over pessimism, doubt and other dampers of spirit. Refocus your view on what matters most and do something good with His name. You have more power than you know.

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