Hermana Courtney Rippstein

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Another Miracle

Mon, November 8, 2010 6:51:58 PM
So this week we participated in another miracle. So as some of you may or may not know, my companion has been here in the area of León for the entire first half of her mission. We expect that she will be transferred this Wednesday at changes probably. Who knows if I will go or not, that is not the point right now hahaha. Anyways so what it is, is that she has been teaching this one man, Marcio, since she came here. It has been a long and difficult ride for the two of them (and me for the last little portion!), but this weekend he was baptized and confirmed. Amazing. I remember Hna. Platero telling me when I came here that based on how things had all been going and such, if he was baptized she would witness a miracle. And so, miracles still do exist! His family - wife AND kids - are really inactive and do not really support his being baptized. His 15 year old son mocked him for it and laughed when we came to pick him up like he couldn't believe it. Pretty difficult. I know, though, that he can be strong and has a great potential.

Hermana Platero

Hermanas Rippstein and Platero,
the Priesthood holder who performed the baptism, and Marcio.

Also, there must be something truly great planned for Johan, the man who was baptized after practically being hand prepared by God for the message. I have never seen someone so truly ready for the gospel in my life. Anyways, now just about every adversity is coming his way. He is of strong character and has a true testimony, but has no support from family, is mocked by many, and generally just in circumstances that are refining his character right now. He needs your prayers. I know great things are destined for every one of those who accept the gospel and move forward in faith, but Hna Platero and I can tell that the adversary is trying very hard to get him to lose that faith. But still he is strong and pressing forward and knows what he needs to do.

I am extremely thankful for being able to participate in this work and am starting to feel like I can actually help people and find personal purpose. Thank you for your prayers and support!

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