Hermana Courtney Rippstein

Friday, November 19, 2010


Mon, November 15, 2010 5:55:08 PM

The missionaries at 'changes'

Well, we had changes and my "mom" left me. And she also took all the long-standing relationships with members with her. This week was filled with a lot of awkward silences with those who had the relationships with her. My new comp and I have worked very hard with little results. It is difficult but I have confidence this phase will pass soon. There are just so many problems and stressors and crazy things that came up this weekend. But it is okay and you know why? It is in our hard times that we grow closer to the Lord. This.. is strength. And one day I'll understand why we have had to endure these things.

Courtney's "mom" (Hna. Platero), Courtney, and Hna. Avila

My new comp is pretty chill and knows how to work and we have similar views on missionary work so that is awesome. Hna
. Avila is from Guatemala, and for once in my life, I feel sooo tall! Also.. my new missionary language is Spanglish now. I keep switching between the two in conversations it is ridiculous.. cuz my comp knows English too. I'm going to be a weirdo when I return home. Well.. more than normal anyways. She is 23 years old and she has 11 months in the mission. She served 8 in Esteli and the rest in Managua and now she is here. Everyone always tells me how awesome she is so I hope some of that can rub off on me ; ) She will have served a 20 month mission when she leaves next year - I am not sure how that happened but that's the deal. The joke is she becomes an Elder at 19 months. Haha!

Hnas. Rippstein & Avila

I am learning to love again this change. We were machetied about numbers last change and it wasn't that I personally didn't love the people we were teaching (because I truly do!), but it only became about the numbers and dates for me. Even when we didn't have tons of numbers, the people we did have were still just figures. I was just a drone. I am starting to feel like I'm in it for the right reasons again. It is difficult though when you still have the pressure of your leaders but then you realize it is just because they want us to be able to find those that need help too. They want us to be able to be there for the people that are lost and to take every opportunity. And what is more, I want to be there for those that need me. I feel that urge pulling inside me everyday. I just love Nicaragua and the people. I really do.

Tomorrow I turn 5. Weird. I am almost to my half mark. Ish.

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