Hermana Courtney Rippstein

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Guatemala FINAL

Wed., August 11, 2010

So... I become a full-blown missionary in like what.. 5 days? Weird.
It is strange to think of entering the mission field. Like it hasn't
exactly hit me yet. But it will. Earlier this week I hadn't wanted to
go out just yet. I just wanted to stay here for a week or two more.
Which is strange to me but yea. Then, we went and did street contacts
again. Im not as far as others in my Spanish but I am still doing good
at a great rate. I didn't think I was as far as I was till I went and
did these contacts. My problem - and I know this is weird and against
the usual norm, but I am weird and against the usual norm I guess haha
- is that I can speak much better than I can understand. I can
generally get across an idea that I need to, but my problem was that
when people speak, it's like a whole long word of no understanding.
But when we did contacts, I could pretty much understand most of what
was said and actually contribute more this time. I don't know if we
touched anyone's souls that day, but at least to me it was a
confirmation that I am ready for the field.

As much as I don't know, I don't believe I could learn much more from
this place. It is time to move on to the next phase. And I'll be going
to a new country again! It will be interesting to see the differences.
I know I am ready and that now is the time to move on to the next
thing and to begin to help real people instead of fake practice
investigators. Kind of scary at the same time but I know that if I
continue to follow the Lord then He will direct my paths, so long as I
do my part.

gtg bye


  1. Hello Courtney,
    I'm enjoying reading your blog very much. Your experiences are interesting and your comments insightful.
    I'm not sure how to send mail.(I can't remember what I did with Stephen.) Stephen said it had to be sent pouch? Or do we just send international, like your address above.
    I hope I'm supposed to comment on this page. If not, sorry!
    Aunt Doeni

  2. Dear Courtney,
    I am really proud of you. I have had a letter for you in my purse for over a month! We keep you in our prayers. Want to see an update soon!
    Things are just the same here. Your mom is playing for the primary program on Sunday. We miss ya! Jeanne Brown
